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Response Plan

Access OT Services is committed to the health and wellbeing of our staff and clients.  We are closely monitoring the current COVID-19 situation and are responding to the government directives and regulations on a day to day basis.  

In the midst of these new and challenging times, we recognise that our clients do continue to require occupational therapy services and we will remain open with necessary adjustments as outlined below:


We understand that during times of uncertainty, each person makes decisions based upon what they are comfortable with. If you would prefer to reschedule a face to face appointment, please let us know. Sometimes these appointments can occur over the telephone or via tele-health to avoid face to face contact, however sometimes this is not possible and your appointment will need to be rescheduled. 


Home Visits

We will continue to offer our mobile, home visiting service.  Our Covid-19 Safety Plan has been enacted and this sets out the additional precautions that we will be adopting. 



Prior to your appointment, expect a phone call to conduct a screening questionnaire to ensure that it is safe to proceed with the upcoming appointment. This questionnaire will ask questions such as if you have come into contact with some who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or suspects they have the virus; if you are experiencing any symptoms or if you have been advised to self isolate.  If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, we will cancel your face to face appointment and endeavour to reschedule your appointment to a telehealth meeting. 


Physical Distancing

We commit to adhering to the government regulations and guidelines regarding physical distancing, this means no handshakes, but also ensuring that where possible 1.5meters is maintained. In times were it is necessary to be within that 1.5meters, we will be wearing the necessary personal protective equipment, and encourage you to do the same. 


Where practicable, adherence to the 4square meters per person in an enclosed space will also occur. 


Infection Control

As per the current government directive, face masks will be worn during face to face visits.  In instances whereby it is not practical to wear a face mask, if working with people whom are hard of hearing, this will be removed and strict adherence to physical distancing will occur.


We will be regularly using hand sanitiser and cleaning any equipment that is being used or trialled during our sessions as per our Infection Control Policy. 



We are abiding by government mandated reporting procedures, including advising if a member of our team has been diagnosed with COVID-19; please advise us if your have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

If you have a support worker, friend or family member present during our session, their contact details will be documented in the clinical notes to enable ease of tracing and reporting, if necessary.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.  

Further information can be obtained from the following websites:




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